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Take 18 out of 2018

With constant changes in my life. Some good, some not so great. It's a good time to look back and reflect on what I know for sure. So here is a take on 18 thoughts of 'Kelly wisdom'. I hope it finds you trying your best and enjoying each day to the fullest.

1- Family is everything. I already knew this but its always an important reminder on what really matters. These are the people who will always be behind you. Just recently I realized its great to win an award but if you don't have anyone sitting in the audience it suddenly becomes less of a 'win.'

2- You can't change someone. If someone shows their true colors time and time again. Take it at face value.

3- Tough times don't last. Tough People do. You never know what someone is going through offline. So its important to be sensitive and listen. You might be the only person someone feels comfortable talking to. So just taking the time can sometimes mean the world.

4-Art is necessary. Find a passion, place or thought you love and create, create and create. Innovation is a powerful thing and its what keeps the world going round.

5- Support your friends. Buy their book. Wear their t-shirt. Play their song. Watch their tv show. Never stop dreaming and supporting people. The world needs more of that. And shout out to my besties who have stood by me when I've really needed them. I hope everyone has a person they can call when they really need a hug.

6- Volunteer. Giving back is something I always say I am going to do each year and then I feel like the year gets away from me and I am kicking myself. This year I signed up to help a non-profit that gets kids with disabilities on horseback. Brightening some one's day will make any day that seems dark a little brighter.

7- Read a book. Another resolution I am trying to stay true to this year. Some of my favorites right now: In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs | Promise me Dad, Joe Biden | How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life | Brave Enough, Cheryl Strayed | Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg

8- Try something new. Whether that's traveling to a new place. I'm thinking Iceland this year. Or learning about a new hobby. Try to constantly e d u c a t e yourself.

9- Quote it. I love reading quotes that inspire, motivate and just make me feel good. One favorite that never gets old: To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss. To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. Only a person who risks is free.

10- Get out of your comfort zone. I've been gifted with some of the best friends since elementary school. (Truly I am still friends with some people I've known since kindergarten) Shout out to the Ben Franklin Eagles. But that doesn't mean getting out and proving this Seattle freeze wrong isn't something that will set you up for something really special. There's a lot of great people I've met recently by just putting myself out there a little and seeing who meets me half way. I highly recommend it.

11- One of my best guy friends recently told me. 'Say YES.' Say yes to 9 out of 10 things people ask you to do and you will have the best year of your life. After rolling my eyes for a second I realized. He's really onto something. It gets you out and experiencing which is what life is all about.

12- Workout. It's not all just for feeling good about how you look on the outside. But its great for your mental state as well. I feel like I've accomplished something when I workout and it always puts me in a better mood. Find something you enjoy- so you stick with it. Whether its yoga, high-intensity training, running or whatever. Put those gym shoes on and go. (I recommend Dynamix Fitness in Bellevue with my boy Scott Pratt)

13- Be Nice. It only takes a second to give someone a compliment. If you like their sweater or their new haircut... tell them. I promise you. It will make their day.

14- UBER drivers give good advice. You guys. I got a ride home last Saturday night and my Uber driver probably gave me the best advice in months. He said wake up and take 10 minutes for yourself. Whether that's a walk around the block. Sitting in bed to reflect. Whatever. Just take it. And I think he's onto something.

15- Its never too late to start. Have you been thinking. Wow I really want to do that. Go there. Be that. Well I don't think its ever too late to go after what you want no matter how big the dream is. I've gotten a lot of no's in my career and if I would of listened to everyone who told me I couldn't do it, I wouldn't be where I am today. I think all it takes is one person that gives you that shot. So if you can be that for someone. Why not ?!

16- Love yourself. A lot of times during my creative process I think it's shit. And so I think its good to remember, positive talk can go a long way. 'Worrying is literally betting against yourself. '

17- 'Don't tell people your dreams, show them. ' Talk is cheap. Let's do this.

18- and finally, LOVE. 'Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable: Mary Oliver.' I've been single forever. Truly I ask myself. Am I ever going to be head over heels. That can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars kind of stuff. Yes I just quoted 'It Takes Two.' Who knows. But I need to enjoy the process and be open to it. I've watched way too many movies... insert Casablanca here 'here's looking at you kid. 'and I think we could all use the reminder my dream man isn't riding in on a white horse anytime soon. So work on yourself and love hard when you can. You never know when lightning could strike.

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