Single in Seattle V.2

Loving this quote. Never settle. Look for that spark. Somebody can be great on paper but ultimately you deserve more than a relationship only good in the 'resume' sense.
Dating Updates... because hopefully someone enjoys my lack of a love life struggle ha!
I went on two dates with two gentleman who shared the same name. Let's call them Bill. Both Bill's were sweethearts and gentleman. Sadly. Like so many of us have been in before. Friend Zone.
Next up- we can call this guy Ice Cream man. We started the date by grabbing some scoops of my favorite desert. Only for me to want to cut it short as soon as I tasted my delicious treat. Why you ask? He began telling me time after time when he's been 'cat fished' by girls. But not in the usual sense of the word. They were the real girls he claimed but just looked different due to 'pretty' filters and old photos. Now I've shortened that convo and given you the very nice version of what he was saying. Needless to say... don't bash other girls strictly on their physical appearance while trying to impress a new girl you are on a date with. One and Done.
Next up- We'll call this guy 'South.' He was in fact from the south and so I was expecting a southern gentleman and some interesting perspective from another part of the U.S. We got to date 2. I told people at work. My co-host told me to dial back my expectations of a wedding haha.
He was right.
No date 3.
Now a question for you... what apps or sites work for you single gals and guys? I clearly am sort of trying to put myself out there. And it's been fun. No crazy first dates that make me not want to keep trying. So I guess that's something. Get out there single in seattle summer peeps!