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Isn't it funny...

Isn't it funny when you think about how far you've come, all the distractions, failed relationships, failed careers that all get you to this place. The right now.

Right now I am truly happier than I have been in a long time. I love my job. If I think about it- I have my very own show- Local Lens Seattle. With now just one host, myself. I remember the days of watching "The Amanda Show" on Nickelodeon and really hoping to have something like that one day. Isn't it funny?

I also have a new boyfriend. We are almost 6 months in.. and he wasn't the guy I might of picked in a line up. See I knew him before- and always just thought of him as a friend. But here I am with a grin I can't wipe off my face. So again, isn't it funny? Funny how things work out and get you to where you are to really appreciate the things that matter. Family, Friends, Health.

So I ask you- what's something you know look back on and think wow isn't it funny? And yet I am so glad it did.



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