Cheers to 2019!
First off, Happy New Year! 2019... one year away from 20/20. I'm into it.

As the holidays wind down and you've hopefully had amazing time with your loved ones its usually around this time I reflect on what I could do better and what I hope to achieve in the next 365 days. Of course my thoughts rush to taking cooking classes, eating healthier, spending more time with my horse (getting her back under the saddle) and growing my brand more. But the truth is- I think everyone is trying their best and its hard sometimes to put on a smile and go to work. So in the new year lets be kind to each other and most importantly ourselves.
With that- I've been doing some posts called 'Fast 4' where I write some quotes that hopefully inspire- motivate - and give you something to take away. So this week here you go. #ShineOn
1- Make it easy on yourself. Choose people who choose you.
2- Always say yes to adventure.
3- Get going. Get up. Get out. Get motivated.
4- Tomorrow could be the someday you've been waiting for. Life is fragile. Never take anyone for granted.