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Don't Give up Beautiful

The only way you really fail is when you give up.

BOOM how about that quote to really get you ready to end this week on a high note. Sometimes when something nasty happens I feel like poor me, why is this happening but the truth of the matter is you have to push through the pain and know its all happened for a reason.

I find this with dating... try, try again... and work... oh you didn't get that promotion? Skipped by for another job again? Try, try again.

One dating story in particular that shook me recently comes from a good friend I went to college with. She just told me during her time in LA she dated a guy who asked her to go to dinner.. they could maybe sit in the bar he said and catch up. When they got there the bar area was closed so they waited for a table for over an hr. (So, LA) When they finally got to the table the waiter came and asked if they wanted food and he said oh no i'm not hungry. Not bothering to ask if my friend was in fact hungry. and I can tell you with great certainty she was. I think a lot of issues with dating come from the whole think about the other person. Would they want to go and do that. If you don't know ask. Trying new things is awesome but first dates can be nerve wrecking enough- so maybe save the rock climbing excursion for a second date. ASK if someone wants what you are ordering. They could be a vegetarian so you ordering every meat dish off the menu could mean you are eating well while someone else is starving picking at tortilla chips all night. YES we should all as women feel like we can speak up and say. I'M starving bring back that menu. But I am just trying to help a couple fella's out as well.

Have a great rest of your week and remember to smile.



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